The `ResourceRequest` event allows client to observe resource requests made by a`map` or `map snapshotter` objects.``` textEvent data format (Object):.├── data-source - String ("resource-loader" | "network" | "database" | "asset" | "file-system")├── request - Object│ ├── url - String│ ├── kind - String ("unknown" | "style" | "source" | "tile" | "glyphs" | "sprite-image" | "sprite-json" | "image")│ ├── priority - String ("regular" | "low")│ └── loading-method - Array ["cache" | "network"]├── response - optional Object│ ├── no-content - Boolean│ ├── not-modified - Boolean│ ├── must-revalidate - Boolean│ ├── source - String ("network" | "cache" | "tile-store" | "local-file")│ ├── size - Number (size in bytes)│ ├── modified - optional String, rfc1123 timestamp│ ├── expires - optional String, rfc1123 timestamp│ ├── etag - optional String│ └── error - optional Object│ ├── reason - String ("success" | "not-found" | "server" | "connection" | "rate-limit" | "other")│ └── message - String└── cancelled - Boolean```